Calliope Sound Productions

Code of ethics and conduct for

The Muses and Calliope Sound Productions

 Each of us has a say in what we try to do. We do not argue in meetings or theatres. There is no boosting or grandstanding. There is no discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, race or creed. Nothing resembles sexual misconduct on anyone's part board or otherwise. This will be the end of your association with the group. We expect to work in an environment of comradery. We try to have everyone's back. If there is someone, we do not wish to work with that is up to the group and possibly the director.

 We are all about having fun and at the same time putting on the best shows we know how. With limited funds, we have always found ways to get what materials needed for our sets and costumes. We try to make do with what we have.

Calliope Sound Productions (CSP)

Calliope Sound Productions was founded in 2000. It was the brainchild of Tony Junor. CSP was created to present Dramas, Comedies, and Radio Dramas. The premises were to fill the void of summer theatre in the areas of Mississauga. They also looked to perform top-rated all-encompassing plays that are rarely produced. The very first show was a Radio Drama style comedy, Amusing Grace by local playwright Neville Bryant. The goal is to be part of the Arts culture of the community in southern Ontario.

As president and founder of Calliope Sound Productions and the Muses I make every effort to produce several plays per season.

The Muses

The Muses are a group of ladies who all share a common passion for Theatre and the Arts. Each one of these ladies is a great talent in their own right. The founder of CSP believed that there was a real need for more female productions. With the large number of talented female actors, many were not given more opportunities to perform their craft. The Muses were created to fill that void.

 At its core, CSP is built on a foundation of inclusiveness both on and off the stage. There is no discrimination based on race, creed, ethnic background, gender, religion, sexual identity, disability, or sexual orientation. CSP thrives on eliminating any hateful speech or actions. This does not exclude racial humour, inappropriate physical touch, or unwanted advances. 

Code of Conduct

Required Conduct and expectations

· Respect the privacy of others

· No sexual contact

· No speech that might make others uncomfortable

· Maintain proper manners with others

· Respect the rights of pronouns of others

· No discrimination of any kind.

· No bullying of any sort (includes verbal, physical violence or writing of any form)

· Come to rehearsals on time and prepared

· Report any harassment promptly to the production team or company president

· No disruption of rehearsals


Tony Junor

President /Artistic Director